PRE-POST-MASTER CUE SELECT - Now you can practice a blend/scratch by using the crossfader while "only-you" listen in the headphones! HOW.? On this feature, PRE and POST refer to the crossfader. In PRE position, the signal of control selected by the Cue-an fader will be monitored (pre-line fader, pre-crossfader) as a stereo signal in the headphones. The POST position, is somewhat similar to the PRE position, except the signal is post crossfader (pre-line fader, post-crossfader), so if the cue pan fader is centered, the signal received in the headphone depends on the position of the crossfader. In MASTER position, the signal monitored will be pre-master volume (post-faders), meaning the signal will still be present in the headphone even if the master volume is turned down.